Brisbane Boom Just Getting Started

Brisbane Boom-Moore Prestige

“Record low interest rates, more liberal lending and the property cycle support higher prices throughout Australia. There are other strong tailwinds unique to Brisbane.”

David Moore

Brisbane is in the early stages of a property boom. Multiple tailwinds have converged to suggest the boom will be epic and take years to play out:

  1. Mortgage rates under 2%

  2. More liberal lending

  3. The property cycle is years from peaking

  4. Extreme value relative to Sydney and Melbourne

  5. Transformative infrastructure investment

  6. Prospective 2032 Olympics to turbocharge infrastructure and prices

  7. High population growth

  8. High rental yields

  9. Structural work from home shift

  10. 2020 lifestyle reset

Record low borrowing rates, more liberal bank lending and the property cycle support higher prices throughout Australia. However, the other tailwinds are specific to Brisbane.

They are likely to see Brisbane and the South East Queensland region more broadly deliver significantly higher growth than Sydney and Melbourne in the coming years. We will delve into each of these growth drivers in coming posts.

There has never been a better time to invest in Brisbane. Of course, some locations will gap higher more than others. We will identify these growth spots and their catalysts.

Get in touch to discuss how you can best take advantage of the Brisbane boom.


Brisbane Property Offers Extreme Value